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Published: June 12, 2023

Understanding Flat Head Syndrome in Children and It's Effect on Self-Esteem

Flat Head Syndrome in children, also known as plagiocephaly or brachycephaly, is characterized by an abnormal head shape. While it is commonly associated with infants, flat head syndrome can also occur in children of any age, albeit less frequently. In this blog, we will explore the causes of flat head syndrome, its impact on self-esteem, available treatment options, and ways to prevent and correct this condition.

What is Flat Head Syndrome?

Flat head syndrome refers to the persistence of an abnormally shaped head that developed during infancy and has not been corrected naturally or treated. It typically occurs due to a combination of factors such as untreated childhood flat head syndrome, positioning habits, or other medical conditions. It's important to understand that flat head syndrome in children is not a result of soft skull bones, as they get solidified by adulthood.

The Different Causes of Flat Head Syndrome

The causes of flat head syndrome can vary from individual to individual. In some cases, it may be a continuation of untreated flat head syndrome from infancy. Other causes include positioning habits, such as consistently sleeping or resting in one position, or medical conditions that affect the skull shape. Additionally, certain genetic factors or birth complications can contribute to the development of a flat head in children.

The Impact of Flat Head Syndrome on Self-Esteem

Flat head syndrome can have a significant impact on the self-esteem of children. Individuals with this condition may experience feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, or dissatisfaction with their appearance. The abnormal head shape may affect their confidence in social situations and interactions. It's essential to address flat head syndrome's emotional and psychological aspects to promote self-acceptance and improved self-esteem.

Read the Article: When Is It Necessary to Seek Medical Care for the Newborn’s Head Shape?

Treatment Options for Flat Head Syndrome

Treating flat head syndrome primarily focuses on non-surgical interventions. Repositioning techniques, which involve changing sleeping positions and regularly shifting head positions during the day, can help improve the head shape over time. Orthotic devices, such as specially designed helmets or bands, may be recommended to encourage proper head growth. In some cases, surgical interventions may be considered if the condition is severe or causes functional issues. NJ Craniofacial Center involves comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plans. Options may include surgical interventions, cranial remodeling techniques, or a combination of therapies tailored to the individual's specific needs.

Tips for Preventing and Correcting Flat Head Syndrome

Preventing and correcting flat head syndrome in requires a proactive approach. For prevention, practicing proper positioning during infancy is essential to minimize the risk of developing flat head syndrome. Regularly changing head positions during sleep and implementing tummy time can also help. In infants, early intervention is crucial. Seeking professional guidance from healthcare providers or specialists experienced in treating flat head syndrome is recommended.

Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence:

Individuals with flat head syndrome can take steps to boost their self-esteem and confidence. Developing a positive body image involves accepting oneself and focusing on inner qualities rather than solely on appearance. Engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself, seeking support from loved ones, and connecting with others facing similar challenges can improve self-esteem. Emphasizing one's unique qualities and strengths can also foster a positive self-image.


Flat head syndrome in children is a condition that can impact self-esteem and overall well-being. Understanding the causes, available treatment options, and ways to prevent and correct this condition is crucial for individuals affected. Individuals with flat head syndrome can enhance their self-esteem and lead fulfilling lives by seeking professional guidance, adopting proper positioning habits, and embracing self-acceptance. Remember, self-worth goes beyond physical appearance, and every one is unique. 

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