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Published: January 18, 2023

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Craniosynostosis

Our skull is made up of 8 bones and joints where the bones of the skull meet, these are known as sutures. These sutures allow the skull to grow as an infant grows and develops. Over time, the sutures close and the bones fuse together. This forms the skull into a solid piece of bone. Craniosynostosis is a condition where 1 or more of the sutures close too early and unfortunately, it is becoming more prevalent among children today as compared to a few decades ago.

What Is Craniosynostosis?

Craniosynostosis refers to the early fusion of a single cranial suture, however, it can affect more than one suture in a baby's skull. Craniosynostosis generally involves a premature fusion of a single cranial suture. Certain hereditary disorders can induce craniosynostosis in rare circumstances. In some complicated instances of craniosynostosis, multiple sutures may fuse.

Though severe cases of neurological impairment may arise, the majority of kids recover from surgery with satisfactory aesthetic outcomes and normal cognitive development. Early detection and intervention are essential for the treatment of the underlying condition. If not corrected on the time it leads to restricted skull growth and worsens head deformity. Treatment typically involves craniosynostosis surgery to correct the shape of the skull and allow for proper brain growth.

Is Craniosynostosis in Children Common?

Craniosynostosis affects one in every 2000 newborns and remains mostly undiagnosed thus it cannot be said that it is common in children. It is occasionally connected to a genetic condition. The majority of children with craniosynostosis are generally healthy and intelligent. Genetic disorders can be related to health concerns such as breathing difficulty and other birth abnormalities when they are passed down through genes. Most children who receive surgery when they are young enjoy healthy lives. However, long-term consequences are possible. A child with craniosynostosis needs frequent medical examinations to ensure that the skull, facial bones, and brain develop correctly.

craniosynostosis treatment at NJ

What Is a Symptom of Craniosynostosis?

Children with craniosynostosis have an asymmetrical head shape. Their head may appear shorter, longer, broader, or narrower than usual. Alternatively, the two sides of the cranium may be unequal. Parents or physicians may not detect an odd head shape in a newborn until a few weeks after delivery. It's common for a baby's head to change form in the first few weeks of Other symptoms of a child affected by craniosynostosis include a child being extremely drowsy or inactive, being cranky or irritable, having a bulging fontanel (soft area) on the top of the skull, or not being able to receive the feed.

How Can Craniosynostosis Be Diagnosed?

During a physical examination, doctors can detect craniosynostosis. A doctor will feel the baby's skull for harsh edges and strange soft patches along the sutures. The doctor would also look for any issues with the baby's face shape. Craniosynostosis is frequently discovered shortly after a baby is delivered and at other times it is detected later in life.

An unusually formed skull is usually the first evidence of craniosynostosis. Other signs may include. Slow or no growth in the baby’s head size over a period of time.

Furthermore, before a baby is born, physicians may detect craniosynostosis on ultrasound images. At Other times, the issue is discovered a few weeks later.

If a doctor suspects a newborn has craniosynostosis, he or she may prescribe testing such as X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans.

Treatment for Craniosynostosis

The treatment for Craniosynostosis involves surgery which is necessary for several forms of the condition. The purpose of the surgery is to repair the craniosynostosis, release pressure on the brain, and allow the brain to develop normally. A surgical operation is often carried out within the first year of life when necessary. However, the time of surgery is determined by the type of sutures involved and if the infant has one of the hereditary abnormalities that might induce craniosynostosis.

Schedule an Appointment Online at Craniofacial Center in NJ

Craniofacial Center employs a multidisciplinary approach in order to assess and treat patients with a wide range of congenital or acquired craniofacial disorders including facial appearance, eating and swallowing, hearing and middle ear infections, speech and breathing, dental and oral-maxillofacial development, and psychosocial development, infants, children, and teenagers with craniofacial abnormalities face numerous issues. A team of craniofacial specialists from many fields works together at the NJ Craniofacial Center to recognise the patient's complex needs and offer the best possible care.

At NJ Craniofacial centre we cater to all your child’s craniofacial needs. In order to schedule a private consultation with us you can call our office or request an appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does craniosynostosis affect IQ?

The answer to the question is no. It depends on one patient to another suffering from the underlying condition. In some cases, IQ is minorly affected while in general no such evidence has been found

2. Can kids with craniosynostosis live a normal life?

The severity of craniosynostosis varies from minor to severe in each newborn kid. The majority of infants with craniosynostosis are overall healthy and live a normal life

3. What is the success rate of craniosynostosis surgery?

Endoscopy is a minimally invasive method with outstanding outcomes used in such cases. The overall success rate of craniosynostosis is 95%

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NOTICE: This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for a patient/physician relationship.

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NJCFC does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, or on the basis of disability or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or in employment therein. This statement is in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the Acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations part 80, 84, and 91.
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